יום שלישי, 19 בפברואר 2013

Exclusive - The Lawmaker Contract and a Message

Dearest Signers,
        Today, I will present to you The Lawmaker Contract, which is a list of conditions that must be satisfied in order for the Lawmaker to be able to proof Goldbach's Conjecture. 
I)       If (all conditions below are satisfied, The Lawmaker can prove, an and relationship):
            A)    Grades/Work (or relationship between the subsections 1 and 2):
1)     If (University Grade Average: 95 up)
2)     Else if (Job (and relationship)):
(i)     Salary: at least 57D4 NIS a month
(ii)    The Lawmaker must be irreplaceable at her job, meaning that she must have skills that are unique to her, which enable her to work at that job
(iii)  Hours: At least 40 hours a week
           B)    Assignments: The Lawmaker must complete all of the following before proving:
1)     School:
(i)     All Homework Assignments
(ii)    Summarizing Notes and Proofs on paper and on the computer
(iii)  Writing Code for all of the algorithms that she learned in class in python (bleh!) and in C++ (<3)
2)     Work: if (The Lawmaker has a job):
(i)     She must finish all of her work assignments (such as problem solutions, writing worksheets, etc.) before proving
Punishment for disobeying: No proofs for 1 year!!!
3)     Cleaning:
(i)     The Apartment must be cleaned once every 3 days
(ii)    The Lawmaker must clean the signer’s (x) apartment before proving at x’s house
(iii)  The Lawmaker must clean Bob’s apartment twice a week
            C)    Health (and relationship):
1)     Diseases: If (one of the following takes place, or relationship):
(i)     The Lawmaker has an episode
(ii)    The Lawmaker has a cold
(iii)  The Lawmaker was within 60 meters of a hospital
(iv)  The Lawmaker was abroad
The Lawmaker cannot prove Goldbach’s Conjecture for 2 weeks after she is healthy again.
2)     Fitness (and relationship):
(i)     The Lawmaker must maintain a BMI \in [16,23]
(ii)    The Lawmaker must work out at least 100 days a week for 101000 minutes a day
3)     Diet; While (all of the following, and relationship):
(i)     The Lawmaker is vegan
(ii)    The Lawmaker consumes under 3D8 calories a day
(iii)  The Lawmaker drinks less than 400 mL of C2H5 a week
4)     Blood Donations: The Lawmaker must donate blood once every 3 months 

The Lawmaker brought all of you this post, because her value (as a stock and as a company) has declined, due to her average now going down. Therefore, she cannot prove Goldbach's Conjecture for one semester at least (hibernation), until she will hopefully improve her grades.
There's still an alternative: Somebody can get The Lawmaker a job, such that she can meet the conditions as someone who works at a high paying job, in which she is irreplaceable.

The Lawmaker deeply apologizes for this inconvenience, and she will help all of you find other Lawmakers (remember, in proofs, everyone is irreplaceable, including the Lawmaker). Once again, you all have the power to help The Lawmaker prove again, and this is the beauty of this system of proofs - the collaboration.

Valid Proof!!!
Goldbach's Lawmaker Cat (Meow!!!) ^_^

יום שני, 18 בפברואר 2013

Stocks - An Anecdote about signers

Here's a nice way to describe how the Lawmaker views her signers, as stocks:

Most people don't really like the stock market, because they enjoy the financial security (lack of risk), in only having one real investment, pension. This has its upsides, like low risk, as said earlier. In addition, having only pension doesn't require someone to spend time searching for stocks and managing them, and all what there is to manage is the pension. The major downside here is that the chance of making a lot of money without working hard is zero. This is only one side of the spectrum - the mono side.

On the other side of the spectrum, the stereotypical poly side (which is usually considered to be criminal, into drugs, uneducated, etc., unfortunately for the Lawmaker), there's the underground gambling world. In this world, people have a need for quick cash, and therefore, they get into short term high risk investments, which can provide large sums of money within hours. The major downside of this world is that the risks are high, such that it's very easy to lose a lot of money.

The Lawmaker lives somewhere in the middle. She invests in the stock market, meaning she researches companies that she wants to support, because she sees them as potential money-makers, and she wants to make some money off of them, and of course maximize her profits. During her extensive research, the Lawmaker looks into the company's products,profits, history, workers, financial decisions, and other important factors that can determine the company's future profits. After looking into all of these factors, the Lawmaker does a lot of calculations, in order to determine whether or not she wants to buy the stock. 
If (The Lawmaker buys the stock)
She will spend a lot of time looking into the company's activity and the stocks value change. 
There are many factors that can change the value of a stock, and
 if (a stocks value decreases, or is on the verge of decline)
 the Lawmaker will sell the stock.  
Some reasons for the Lawmaker to get rid of a stock include decline of the company's product's quality, decline in the company's profits, feuds between key figures within the company, the company's inability to keep up with the most efficient technologies, etc.

 If (the Lawmaker sees that a stock is providing her with a lot of additional money in the bank)
She will support the company as much as she can, by trying hard to contribute to the company's efficiency, products, workers, etc., and she may even want to work at that company.
Therefore, it's crucial that the company makes sure to maximize sales, by optimizing the product's quality and the efficiency. 

Valid Proof!!!
Goldbach's Lawmaker Cat!!! (Meow!)  X^_^X