Signers (both past and present),
On March 17, 2013, the Lawmaker will celebrate one year of a Poly-Goldbachian lifestyle. Therefore, she has several messages for all objects in the Goldbach Set and a few messages to some civilians, whom are not part of the current Goldbach_Set(Lawmaker):
A. The Lawmaker wants to thank with all of her brain the following people, who are responsible for her discovery of the Goldbach Proof, and its optimality:
1. Signer 1.111 for exposing the Lawmaker to the Goldbach Proof.
Prize: A relaxing winter special
Prize Initialization: Sign up for a degree at Tel Aviv University
2. Signer 10.1000 for officially initiating the Lawmaker's Poly-Goldbachian lifestyle
Prize: A relaxing winter special
Prize Initialization: Initialize Agreement Section
3. Civilian X_{i_1} for showing the Lawmaker that the Goldbach Proof is the most optimal and valid proof in the X_SET:
In a language that we can all understand:
\forall s \in X_SET, \forall x \in People, ||f(<Lawmaker,x>,s)||<||f(<Lawmaker,x>,Goldbach)||
B. The Lawmaker wants to request from past and present signers to provide her with the following information, so that she can write up Signer Statistics:
1. Education:
i. (Degree, Grade)
**Note: Please include Grades for each course
ii. Educational Goals
iii. Favorite Part (or courses) of the Degree
iv. Optimal Studying Style
-How (Alone, with others, books, videos, live teacher, with/without music)
-Thinking Pattern
-Number of hours spent studying every day
2. Work:
i. Job (Past and Present)
ii. Workplace
iii. Income
iv. Placement in Terms of Workplace Hierarchy
v. Financial/Workplace Goals
vi. Hours spent at work
3. Army Service:
i. Army Service Unit
**Note: I'm not sure how much statistics I need here, because I already know that 60% of my signers were in 8200.
ii. Years spent in the army
4. Living Conditions and Lifestyle:
i. The Signer's Home:
-Living with... (roommates, alone, parents)
-Cleaning (how often, how, cleaner, alone?)
-The Signer's Optimal Home
ii. The Signer's Optimal Goldbachian Lifestyle:
-Landau Proof (with/without, Poly/Mono)
-The Signer's (x) Optimal Goldbach Set: Goldbach_Set(x)
-The difference ||OptimalGoldbach(x)-CurrentGoldbach(x)||
iii. A Day in the Signer's Life (include the precise number of hours per activity):
iv. The Signer's Car:
-(Make, Model, Gear)
-Current Price in the market
-The Signer's opinion about its car
-The Signer's Optimal Car
v. Diet/Exercise
-Relationship with Alcohol
~Favorite Type of Alcohol
~How often does the signer consume alcohol
~How much alcohol the signer needs in order to feel the buzz
~Typical drunk activities
-Diet Restrictions
-Relationship with Coffee
~Favorite Type of Coffee, including how the signer drinks it
-(Exercise Frequency, Exercise Types)
vi. Music
-Favorite Type
-Music's Function in the Signer's Life
5. Past/Present Goldbach Oriented Details:
i. Past Goldbach Relationships
ii. Past Landau Relationships
**Note: Please include whether or not there was a contradiction in a past Landau Relationship. It's not okay, and absolutely unacceptable, but the Lawmaker won't cancel a contract due to a past contradiction.
6. General Details:
i. Age
ii. BMI
iii. Gender
iv. List of every location the signer ever lived at
These details will be compiled into a post about Signer Statistics, which will show (more or less, with some statistical fluctuations) how the general x \in Goldbach_Set(Lawmaker) behaves. This will help the Lawmaker find an analytical way to solve Goldbach's Chemistry problem (now, she is solving it in brute force, but hopefully, that will change), and for that, she thanks you all very much.
Valid Proof!!!
Goldbach's Lawmaker Cat (Meow!!!) ^_^
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